Mapei – Change

“I’m about to get analytical, because I think this song deserves it.”

Tim: Fancy some bored looking people holding bits of cardboard?

Tom: You sure know how to hype up a video.

Tim: In my defence, there aren’t many other ways of describing it.

Tim: Now that’s a good song. Sort of. Melody’s alright, production’s very good, vocals are on top form.

Tom: It’s that “sort of” I find myself agreeing with. That chorus is pretty, but I’m not sure about the rest of it, and as for the sort-of-rap interjections, well, the less said about that the better.

Tim: Yes, there I’d agree. But it’s the lyrics that get me, because they leave a lot to be desired. Now bear with me because I’m about to get analytical, because I think this song deserves it, unless I’m massively overthinking it.

Here’s the thing: we have bored people in the video. Bored people who are disappointed with their life. They want something more. Something special. Hell, they deserve it – they are, after all, “royalty waiting to be crowned”. So what do we do? How do we make this big change happen? Easy! We, erm, oh. We wait, apparently. Even though “you’re in control, you got so much soul,” we’re all just waiting.

Tom: Mm. When you analyse it like that, it doesn’t really put a good message out, does it?

Tim: No, but perhaps I’m misinterpreting it – perhaps really what it’s trying to do is point out this, that we could be doing something but all we’re doing is sitting on our arses, except I don’t get that vibe from it. With the emphasis vastly more on the waiting that the in control, I get a “you’re in control, so just sit back and everything’ll be great.” And that just doesn’t work for me.

Tom: Agreed. And you know who I’d pick for a more positive message? Oddly, it’d be Eminem.

Tim: You know, here’s where I should be suggesting a pleasant schlager track instead, but no, can’t think of one. Maybe it just has to be angry.