Saturday Flashback: Ashley Roberts – Clockwork

“This doesn’t so much have a chorus as it does one single repeated line.”

Tom: “Unlike Nicole,” says our reader CB, “this is an ex-Pussycat that is putting out good music!” Handbags, etc.

Tim: Ooh, that’s very nice.

Tom: This doesn’t so much have a chorus as it does one single repeated line. Some songs can get away with that, because that one line is brilliant and the rest of the song backs it up — Fall Out Boy’s “This Ain’t A Scene” comes to mind. This particular track, though? Well, sadly, that one line just isn’t that good.


Tom: Crikey, four As and three question marks. I have startled you.

Tim: Are we listening to the same song? That second chorus and closing chorus (yes, it is a full chorus) are wonderful bits, even if the first version of it does leave a lot to be desired.

Tom: It’s all a Standard Pop Song — I just don’t think it’s much more than that.

Tim: Okay there I’ll agree, because the chorus is considerably let down by the rest, but man, that chorus.