Robin Stjernberg – Scars

Children are gits.

Tim: Slightly sad video, but [SPOILER ALERT] it gets better.

Tim: So, singer implies he got bullied at school, makes up the fact that a hot girl saved him (because let’s be honest, that sort of thing just doesn’t happen in real life) and uses that as a message to tell all the uncool kids that life will be alright.

Tom: Mm. I’m always wary of the “saved by a guardian angel” message, because in real life they don’t tend to actually arrive. What would actually happen is that the blonde girl would become just as much of a pariah. Children are gits.

Tim: True. But, cynical as we’re being, I can’t help thinking that it’s lovely. Especially when it comes with a chorus that’s as brilliant as this one is.

Tom: Ah, now there I can agree with you. And it’s a rare singer who can actually pull off the screaming-over-the-final-chorus bit – he’s got the pipes for it.

Tim: It reminds me a lot of Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger – same sort of ‘you’ll get through this’ message, same ridiculous amount of effort from the singer, similarly big chorus and instrumentation to emphasise that and the same extra backup in the last choruses – and that’s a very good thing indeed. Two songs in, and this boy’s yet to put a foot wrong, in my opinion.