Saturday Reject: Ida Una – One

“What a load of sanctimonious, holier than thou, deluded guff.”

Tim: Few better ways to succeed than to sing about how there shouldn’t be fighting and worldwide peace would be wonderful – or at least that’s what Ida thought, and it’s what got her through to the final round of Denmark’s contest.

Tim: The world can be great! We can save humanity! The planet will heal! We just have to learn to love ag– oh, do shut up. What a load of sanctimonious, holier than thou, deluded guff this is. And yet, of course, it’s deluded guff that wins votes, getting a good quarter of the votes in the final round of three.

Tom: “Peace, peace, love, love, and a man in a hamster wheel”? At the point where even Eurovision’s made fun of it, though, perhaps the trope is getting a bit too tired. Sometimes, new and exciting can win at Eurovision; sometimes, old and traditional can win. This manages to be neither. It’s… not bad, I guess?

Tim: I suppose it helps that it’s also a fairly good song with a chorus that gets stuck in your head, competently sung and with a nice floaty globe to start off with. Oh, I guess it’s okay.