Sean Banan – Bananaman

“His Wikipedia page consists of six paragraphs, at least four of which will contain a fact that will irritate you.”

Tim: Sean Banan is a Swedish entertainer and previous Melodifestivalen finalist; his (English) Wikipedia page consists of six paragraphs, at least four of which will contain a fact that will irritate you.

Tom: You’re entirely correct about that. The fact that is definitely isn’t a cover of the Bananaman theme tune will no doubt make it worse.

Tim: Here’s his first song for a good few years, and it’ll most likely either annoy you or delight you. For me, it went from the former to the latter about 50 seconds in.


Tim: First of all, the two things I don’t like: the key change, because although it’s necessary and the song would be very poor without one, it’s very poorly executed, and gives a “wait, was that a…huh” sensation; and the fact that I can’t find any lyrics online for it, because I love the middle eight and would dearly love to know what the Kardashian family have to do with his superheroic activities.

Tom: Nope. I’m all out. This odd, not-quite-bubblegum-pop is a genre that, generally, I have a lot of patience for. I’m willing to give it a lot of leniency — but this is just straight-up irritating.

Tim: I can take or leave the verses (though again, I’m fairly sure a translation would help). I love the chorus, though. It’s fun, it’s ludicrous, it’s weird, it makes me think back to my days reading the Beano (which i am 99% certain this isn’t based on).

And on second listening onwards, when I was actually paying attention, boy is that intro special. The self-aggradisation of it with the drumbeats, the brass and the sirens clearly stating that this is an EPIC NUMBER about an EPIC HUMAN BEING.

Tom: I realise that some songs aren’t meant to be taken seriously, but they still have to be good. What Does The Fox Say was good. This… just isn’t.

Tim: It’s silly, idiotic, and wonderful.

Tom: Two out of three.