Union J – Loving You Is Easy

“When they finally turn everything up to eleven, it’s actually a really good track.”

Tom: Cementing their position as Slightly Too Late To Be One Direction here, I think.

Tim: So close, and yet…

Tom: I was all ready to dismiss this as a bit too generic, a bit too like every other standard boyband, until they came back from that middle eight. When they finally turn everything up to eleven, it’s actually a really good track.

Tim: It really is. But you didn’t like the first part? I think it’s all pretty good – what with the recent move towards proper instruments and “rock” and stuff that most British boybands have been going for, it’s very nice to have a largely synth-backed track.

Tom: Then, of course, they dial it back down to have a Meaningful Ballad Outro, and it just fades away from me again. There’s so much potential here, and they just haven’t quite got to it.

Tim: There I agree – the crappy piano intro and outro can properly do one, as far as I’m concerned, because it’s entirely unnecessary.

Tom: That middle eight, incidentally, can quite happily have the Killers’ “I’ve got soul, but I’m not a soldier” sung over it. Just pointing that out.

Tim: Gosh, so it can. Thanks for the heads up.