Alexia Divello feat. Daniella – Children of the Sun

“Oh, you lied to me, Tim. You lied to me.”

Tim: So here’s this, a summery dance track by a Swedish producer featuring a Swedish singer that’s possibly four months early but never mind, because you’re going to love this chorus.

Tom: Oh, you lied to me, Tim. You lied to me. Why would you do that?

Tim: Ahaha, I guess I’m just that kind of great guy.

And why not like it? Let’s face it, there’s nothing I like more when I’m pissed and on the dance floor trying to hook up with someone than a load of kids shouting about being children.

Tom: It’s not like it even works well, either: it’s not even a loud choir, it just sounds like someone hasn’t recorded the vocals properly.

Tim: It is weird: as though they didn’t really want to commit to it, so they did half a kids’ choir and half the normal and hope it would please everyone.

The ‘criticism just because it’s kids’ thing possibly a tad unfair, mind, as there are probably many successful dance tracks that have used child vocals; right now I’m having trouble thinking of one, though.

Tom: Even Robert Miles’ Children didn’t actually use children. Don’t do it, folks.

Tim: Anyway, the rest of it’s not bad – a nice euphoric number with a fairly unusual three-part chorus, decent beat, decent melody, and decently put together lyric video.

Tom: If you count “generic, repeated stock footage” as “decently put together”, then, yeah, sure.

Tim: Snarkiness aside: I’m all for this. BRING ON THE SUN.

Tom: Yep. Just ban anyone under 18.