Will Young – Brave Man

“Everything we’d expect a Will Young track to sound like.”

Tim: Will Young: reliably topping the album charts but entirely failing to bother the singles chart.

Tom: Or to use a less technical term, “appealing to the mums”.

Tim: Well, something like that. Less than a month after his last single, Joy, arrived, Will’s bringing his next track out.

Tim: So that there is a video which at first appears just as a fairly literal demonstration of the lyrics, but with the final reveal becomes incredibly creepy.

Tom: There was definitely more nudity in that video than I was expecting.

Tim: But never mind, because let’s do the music, which I’m enjoying.

Tom: He’s one of the pop singers with a recognisable, signature voice: that’s a strong brand to have, and I suspect that’s one of the reasons his albums are doing very well.

Tim: It is strong, it is powerful, it is, in fact, everything we’d expect a Will Young track to sound like.

Tom: Not quite sure about that clipped, distorted vocal, and I’m not sure about that middle eight either. Might be a bit too quiet, although I suppose the return of the strings afterwards makes up for it a bit. You’re right, though: it is definitely a Will Young track.

Tim: And that’s fine by me – it may be pop for grown ups, but it can still appeal to the rest of us. I like it a lot.