Autograf feat. Lils – You Might Be

“It starts medium, goes through a medium first verse, then hits a medium chorus.”

Tim: For some reason this video has an intro twenty seconds longer than the one in the actual song; basically, don’t let that put you off.

Tom: Well, that is certainly a video. And… hmm. Well, it’s certainly a four-minute music track. I’m not sure what else I can say about it.

Tim: Funny, this one, just in terms of volume and energy. It starts medium, goes through a medium first verse, then hits a medium chorus. Second verse, chorus, middle eight, final chorus – the level’s the same all the way through, pretty much, with no progression anywhere. And yet, while I’d normally hold that against the song for boring me, I have a lot of time for this.

Tom: You know what sells it for me? The pre-chorus, the quiet bit. The rest, I could take and leave, but the vocals there are beautiful, the melody’s interesting, and the sudden silence out of, as you say, all the medium bits… well, that actually got my attention.

Tim: It doesn’t go anywhere novel, or do anything particularly interesting, but it’s got a good melody, good vocals, good production, and often that’s all you need.