Amy Diamond – Ready To Fly

Badly sampled Coldplay, repeat until fade.

Tom: A suggestion has flooded into our mailbox! It’s from Roger in Sweden, who read our review of Amy Diamond’s track and wrote in with this alternative:

Roger writes:

“This is the only completely new track from Amy Diamond’s Greatest Hits album. IMHO it is much better than Perfect and the other records they use to promote the album. I have no idea why they do not use this – can you give me some insight – please?!”

Tom: Well, I reckon it’s because it’s not that good. The trouble with Greatest Hits collections is that the odds of the ‘extra tracks’ being classics are pretty slim – Robbie Williams’ recent “Shame” being a notable exception.

Tim: Odd, that, isn’t it? You’d have thought they’d want to make them extra-special so they stand out on their own.

Tom: The backing sounds like they’ve badly sampled Coldplay; and it seemed to settle into ‘repeat until fade’ half way through the song.

Tim: Yes, and my word, does that result in an earworm and a half. I first heard it about twelve hours ago and it’s still going.

Tom: And then it didn’t end properly! It just kind of fizzled out.

Tim: BUT, it did get a bit fun going from side to side. That made me happy.

Tom: Could do better, I think.