Duck Sauce – It’s You

“I quite liked it on first listen.”

Tom: You’ll remember Barbra Streisand, of course. You may even remember the earlier aNYway, which made it to number 22 in the UK. But their one single since then sunk without leaving a much of a trace. And the new one…

Tom: …ah, hell, it’ll probably do the same.

Tim: Yeah, about the same.

Tom: That’s a shame, because I quite liked it on first listen. I seem to be rather liking tracks — of any genre — that sample and remix old records, and this should play into this. However, there’s nothing to sustain the interest on a second run-through: it’s the house music equivalent of by-the-numbers bubblegum pop.

Tim: It’s good enough – it’ll go down alright in the middle of the dance floor, but I can’t imagine that many people liking it enough to create a demand for it. The video’s interesting, though – I wonder what the casting call was like. WANTED: person who can do weird things with his eyes and doesn’t mind getting drowned in foam.

Tom: Would I dance to it? Yeah. Just not that enthusiastically.