The Fooo Conspiracy – Who Doesn’t Love Love

“Not the most inspiring track”

Tim: This lot have been around several years now, but seem to have had difficulty nailing down a sound they like – sometimes it’s a bit shouty, sometimes it’s dodgy covers of 90s novelty tracks, sometimes it’s almost verging on hip hop, but sometimes, like today, it’s rather enjoyable.

Tom: Ouch. That’s not enjoyable: that’s got trite lyrics and a structure that goes nowhere.

Tim: Admittedly, it’s not the most inspiring track ever to come out of a boyband, and those “uhh” sounds in the background are frankly a bit disturbing – I’d prefer them to be focusing on singing right now than on that sort of thing, please.

Tom: That gasp sample is, frankly, terrible: whoever decided that was a good thing to put in there should have their audio mixing software taken away.

Tim: But I’m pushing the track here because it’s nice to hear something of this sort from them and I kind of hope there’s more of it.

Tom: Really?

Tim: Yes, it’d be nice if it was building towards some sort of climax, or at the very least a triumphant exit from whatever there is of a middle eight, but it’s a move in the right direction.