Galantis & ROZES – Girls on Boys

“Everything’s great about this apart from the chorus.”

Tom: “We been waiting to throw you this curve ball!”, write Galantis excitedly. “It’s a style of song-writing that’s been a part of Galantis from the start but we never really had the chance to show you.”

Tim: It normally gets me nervous when bands I like say that; on the other hand, they’ve not exactly been knocking it out of the park recently, so I’m open minded.

Tom: (A warning for flashing images in the video.)

Tom: Here’s a reversal of the usual status quo around here: I think everything’s great about this apart from the chorus.

Tim: While I think it’s time to realise that Galantis are not the dance music saviours I previously believed them to be 🙁

Tom: The intro, the verses, the build, the vocals, everything about this has so much promise — but then it leads into a bassless, repetitive instrumental chorus hook, complete with that irritating precussion that sounds like someone’s failing to light a gas hob.

Tim: Haha, yes, I hear the one you mean. I’m the same – sounds great, right up through the opening, verse, pre-chorus, but then it’s not really good at all.

Tom: I get that instrumental choruses are a thing these days, but this just doesn’t work for me.

Tim: I can’t help wondering what’s so ‘curve ball’ about it – it doesn’t sound particularly different from their other recent disappointments. OH GALANTIS, WHY MUST YOU ABANDON ME SO?