Lili Päivärinta – Heart To Heart

“It’s like the producers went to the nostalgia store on Christmas Eve, and found that it’s sold out of all the stuff that people actually like.”

Tim: Charity Christmas single for you today, but not the ‘poor people have nothing at Christmas’ type you might be expecting.

Tim: Now, I don’t quite get this. I mean, as a song it’s fine, hits the regular pop beats and everything, but I’m not entirely sure where the lyrics are coming from, or who they’re aimed at. Because sure, the video makes it quite sure it’s Lil singing (off 80s duo Lili & Susie, incidentally).

Tom: Which explains why my first thought was: “this sounds like it’s out of the 80s, but not in a good way”. It’s like the producers went to the nostalgia store on Christmas Eve, and found that it’s sold out of all the stuff that people actually like — so now they’re left with wrapping up hard-pan stereo mix and some synth pads that never came back into fashion, and hoping that everyone’s good enough to fake their reaction when they open it on Christmas morning.

Tim: Hmm. Tad harsh, perhaps, but okay, let’s go with it.

Tom: And as for those lyrics: well, they’re generic love lyrics, surely?

Tim: Yes, except that given it’s a dog charity, is she singing to her dog? I mean, I’m all for that, because I know people have strong relationships with their dogs. But then ‘Heart To Heart’ implies a reciprocal arrangement, so…is Lili playing the part of a dog? That’s absolutely fine, I’ve no problems with that at all – hell, it’d almost certainly be an improvement on the Cats movie – but a bit weird for a Christmas single.

Tom: Maybe they were the only things left in the shop as well.

Tim: Maybe, yeah, or maybe I’m just over-analysing this a bit. That doesn’t sound like me, though.