Oskar Häggström – Timme Som Minut

“Well, that’s nice, isn’t it?”

Tim: He’s got a crush on her (or him); she (or he) is way out of his league; whenever they’re in the same room the time seems to go very quickly, or to be more precise “Hour like a minute”.

Tom: Well, that’s nice, isn’t it? There’s a lot of good, calm melodies in there: it builds really, really well.

Tim: Disappointingly there’s no happy resolution, Teenage Dirtbag-style, at the end of this, it’s just a “yeah, I like you…okay then”, and we as listeners are left to wonder if anything did ever come of it.

That’d be nice, sometimes, if romantic songs had sequels, so the first one could be like this, and the second could be that yeah, she decided to go for it, and ooh, then we could have a whole SERIES of songs, each one documenting a further stage in the relationship, going through multiple dates, marriage, tricky patch, kids to make it better, everything becoming wonderful, growing old together and seeing the grandchildren go off to school and write songs of their own. As it is, we’ve got nothing. Ah, well.

Tom: Lockdown’s going okay, then?

Tim: Music’s alright though.

Tom: It is, and I was going to write some more about it, but honestly I don’t think there’s anything I can add now.