Full Of Keys – Don’t Look Back

“Isn’t it fantastic?”

Tim: No spoilers for this; just press play and don’t read too far ahead until– well, you’ll know the bit. The big bit.

Tim: Isn’t it fantastic?

Tom: It sounds like a Madonna chorus that I never heard before. Yep, I will give you that: “the big bit” is good, particularly when the choir come in.

Tim: I was enjoying it a fair amount from the off, although it wasn’t until the chorus came along with that lovely backing and the vocal that verges on operatic at points that it really got me. After that, well, the second verse kept me hooked, introducing to us a nice string backing, then the chorus starts up again, and then, oh, AND THEN.

It’s been a long time since I’ve heard — actually, it was last week with This Is Me, but before THAT — a long time since I’ve heard a choir used so well. Not overdone, but just brought in as a little bit extra to push the song up with, a way to keep the song moving forward, and sound just marvellous.

Tom: It’s a shame about the middle eight, and — if I’m honest — about the melody line and the composition. The production and vocals on this are excellent, I just wish it was a slightly better song.

Tim: Hmm, not far off what you said last time we met her. And you’re not wrong about the middle eight – but the rest is MARVELLOUS, I tell you.

Full of Keys – Me & The Sea

“Everything it needs to be great is right there”

Tim: Sophomore release from this Swede with a silly stage name; I think ‘BIG’ would be an appropriate introduction.

Tom: The artist or the music?

Tim: Oh, just have a listen.

Tim: Fair? Big instruments all the way through, aside from the excellently suspenseful pause before each chorus; big vocals gerenally moving up to huge in the chorus; all in all, making what should be a very, very good song.

Tom: That is fair, but I notice your “what should be” in there, and I suspect I’m going to agree.

Tim: Except…well, I’ve heard it a few times now, and five minutes on I can’t really remember it. It’s a shame, because everything it needs to be great is right there, and I really love it when it’s playing – I just can’t remember what it is I love afterwards.

Tom: Yep. Bigger isn’t always better: all the ingredients are here, but they haven’t been put together quite right.