Saturday Flashback: Justice feat. Uffie – TThhEe PPaARRtTYY

“The musical equivalent of Vogon poetry.”

Tom: I should hate this song. I should absolutely despise it. Folks I know skip this track on the album, they say it’s the weak one: the vocal’s irritating, the rest of the track’s too slow. And yet. And yet. I must have hit play on this about twenty times today.

Tim: Hmm. Slightly selling it to me there, so I’ll bite.

Tim: Oh, man, I shouldn’t have bitten. Why do you like it?

Tom: I can’t explain why! Because the vocal is irritating. The rest of the track is too slow, particularly given all the other bangers that are on †. And it’s not even catchy: it doesn’t stay in my head after it’s stopped playing.

Tim: Well, it vaguely becomes listenable when the drums kick in and it’s not just a dull synth and an irritating voice, but…well, I don’t know if it’s the eighties-sounding synths that put the phrase in my head, but it struck me as the musical equivalent of Vogon poetry, and the more I hear the less unfair I think that is.

Tom: But I just keep hitting play.