Little Boots – Motorway

If I say this starts out sounding a lot like Hurts…

Tom: First track from the new album. Yep, an actual album – she’s been all about EPs and singles since 2009.

If I say this starts out sounding a lot like Hurts, I worry that you’ll get your expectations too high. But it does, and that’s really good.

Tim: Hmm. It’s…nice. I suppose that’s a good thing, but I’m coming to this review having listened to that Demi Lovato track on repeat for roughly nineteen and a half billion times*, so I’m not sure I’m in the best mood to appreciate it.

* Apparently that equates to about 131 millennia, which sounds about right.

Tom: Crikey, you’re really not. That’s like trying to appreciate, say, Blade Runner after watching all the Die Hard movies back to back.

Tim: It is enjoyable though – I can certainly tell that much from the fact that I wasn’t bored by it even though it’s five minutes long.

Tom: Now, it probably goes on a verse or so too long; the bit in the middle drags more than it really should, and perhaps the last chorus could have a bit more to it. Or perhaps that’s the point: it’s not meant to be end on an oomph, it’s meant to be like, well, driving down a motorway. Either way, it’s bloody good.

Tim: Bloody good sums it up quite well. Though, alas, not quite ‘just pure amazingness’. DEMI!

Tom: There’s one technical point I’d like to make: have a look at the waveform for the track on the SoundCloud page. It’s not dialled to 100% all the time, not dynamically compressed to within an inch of its life. It’s got a bit of calm in it – and that’s a rare thing in pop these days.


Little Boots – Headphones

A proper electropop dance track.

Tom: The lovely thing about certain artists is that you can tell it’s them just from how they sound.

Tim: Very true.

Tom: Little Boots has just such a sound, and my word, it’s a good one.

Tom: Okay, so the “la la la” chorus is a bit unimaginative, and the rest of the lyrics are a bit meaningless and ridiculous, but none of that really matters, because it’s a proper electropop dance track.

Tim: But if it’s a track about music in general, “la la la” is fairly appropriate if you’re going to have a recurrent theme.

Tom: A bit more poppy than her previous album, perhaps – but that’s by no means a bad thing.

Tim: I’d go so far as to say: it’s a good thing. Although I would say that at four minutes and with such a notable, recurring theme going on, it sounds a bit drawn out at the end. That’s my only criticism, though.