Nova Delai – Just Love

Folk-pop, perhaps?

Tim: Nova is a Swedish singer, and in my view somewhat underappreciated. Here, her third single.

Tom: I was half-expecting that to go into “Against All Odds” after the intro.

Tim: A question: what genre’s this? Beyond just pop, I mean, with the heavy drums in the background. There are a lot of tracks around right now in this vein, not least Emmelie de Forest’s Eurovision winner, and I don’t know what to call them.

Tom: Folk-pop, perhaps? The vocals and instruments would seem to give it that kind of air.

Tim: Hmm, sounds pretty good. But regardless of the name, it’s a good track. I find myself needing to struggle through the verses somewhat, as they’re a bit bland and a bit shouty, but the chorus has a lovely first part and a good in a different way second part, and the middle eight could almost be described as delightful.

Tom: See, I’m not much of a folk-pop fan if I’m honest; while I can appreciate that musically, this is quite a good song, the style of vocals leaves me a bit cold. That’s my personal taste, though: since you seem to like the genre, what d’you think?

Tim: Seven out of ten for now, but higher if it had a nicer verse.

Nova Delai – Should I

“My name is Nova Delai, and these are my boobies”

Tim: “My name is Nova Delai, and these are my boobies”

Tom: And skirt. There’s a lot of skirt in there.

Tim: The thing is, they were probably trying to make some sort of point with that video gimmick, maybe like how it could be any woman in her position, wondering whether to leave her boyfriend or not, but how on Earth did no-one spot that all they were doing was filming her breasts?

Tom: Now, there’s a whole discussion to be had there on whether a torso shot – and a particularly chaste torso shot at that – counts as ‘filming her breasts’, but if YouTube comments are anything to go by, then that’s all that anyone’s noticed.

Tim: It is entirely distracting from what is actually a pretty good song.

Tom: It’s not my cup of tea really, but I’m not sure why – decent melody, decent percussion, ticks all the boxes for a decent song… but somehow it didn’t grab me. Can’t explain why.

Tim: Fair enough. And at least this ‘should I leave him?’ video doesn’t feature a beach party.