Electric Lady Lab – Touch Me

“This finishes way too soon.”

Tim: This finishes way too soon.


Tom: Oh my word. You know I like mashups, and it takes a lot for me to have my brain confused by one – but this certainly managed it. I was already singing “The Sun Always Shines On TV” by the first repeat of that sample, and then I just got completely sideswiped.

Tim: Starts with a ‘ooh, this sounds like it’ll be lovely’, and then goes in a completely different direction, but it stills keeps that lovely vibe going throughout and that’s not something that often happens.

Tom: Hang on. You’ve heard “The Sun Always Shines On TV”, right? You must have done.

Tim: Erm… well, er..

Tom: You can’t have been into europop for this long and not heard it. Seriously, aside from Take On Me, it’s a-ha’s most famous single. Everyone’s heard of that.

Tim: Take On Me? Wasn’t that by A1?*

* I’M JOKING. But seriously, how long ago does 2000 look now?

Tom: What worries me is that if you have a gap this large in your musical knowledge – what am I missing?

Tim: Well, I don’t know – I guess I’ve just never explored the older stuff. Tell you what – I’ll get hold of a couple of compilation CDs and listen to them, and we can move on. Deal?

The middle eight, for me at least, has a ‘hurry up and get to the good bit’ feel to it, but then unfortunately when it does get there it almost immediately stops with a crap fade-out. Part of me’s hoping they’ve deliberately cut this short for YouTube; can’t think why they would, though.

Tom: As a mashup with an existing song, it’d be listenable but nothing special; if this is the track they’re actually releasing, then it’s not a patch on the original. Morten Harket’s vocals stand up to this day, and this new version is just… forgettable.

Tim: Well, I disagree and think it’s great. Only out in Denmark right now, mind.

Tom: I’ll be honest: I hope that’s where it stays.