Suede – It Starts And Ends With You

A really good bit of old-school pop-rock.

Tom: Someone came up to me the other day and said “You should be the third most popular Britpop band.” I said no. They insisted. I said no again. But they kept pestering me, and eventually I was Suede.

Tim: Okay, I’m done here. Don’t worry, I’ll shut the door on my way out.

Tim: Oh. Oh actually, I might hang around.

Tom: Lead single off the new reunion album. And my leaving bad puns aside, this is actually a really good bit of old-school pop-rock – complete with repeat until fade at the end.

Tim: That, I cannot disagree with. It’s an agreeable track, and one I can certainly see myself listening to if I’m in a Britpop mood, when that occasion comes around once a month or so.

Tom: The fans will like it, Radio 2 will probably like it, and while I doubt they’re going to get back to the chart heights of the 90s – pop has moved on – I reckon that there might just not be an exodus for the bar when they announce at their gigs that they’re playing “the new single”.

Tim: And given that that’s probably the best that any comeback/reunion track could aim for, I think they’ve done well.